This is the first in the series of Titan’s thirteenth Doctor comics – it’s the one with the variant covers. Some of said covers are excellent; some, to my mind, rather less so. This is only my view, though: I’m not a huge fan of caricature or Manga-style representations, though this is probably my fault. (I was brought up on the more realistic style of Tintin, you see. Captain Haddock is my role model.)
I also confess to not having read a great many of Titan’s output; I was surprised and I probably shouldn’t have been to find out that this is the first issue of a continuing story. (Blame me again: I’m dumb.) As a first episode, it works very well: rather like part one of a story of classic Who, in fact, with the set-up and the hooks in place. Writer Jody Houser crafts a good and fast-moving story and it’s going to be worth reading on to see how it develops.
What’s it about? Not telling. Read it and find out!
The Doctor and the rest of the TARDIS crew – I am not going to call them “Team TARDIS” or the Doctor and her “friends” – are effectively characterised: these are the same people we encounter in the current TV series. Tonally and in terms of quality, though, it’s more like The Woman Who Fell to Earth than the subsequent episodes. That’s probably good news for most of us: that was a stronger story by far than the ones that followed. Nothing grates in the comic’s realisation; the transition from screen to graphics works well.
Some lovely artwork, by Rachael Stott and Enrica Eren Angiolini, particularly in the larger panels. Visually, it’s all very good and the story feels like Doctor Who.
Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #1 is available to buy from all good comic book stores and digitally via Comixology.