The actor played Captain Mike Yates of UNIT regularly between 1971 and 1974.
It’s 50 years since Jo Grant left the TARDIS. So how does Katy feel, looking back?
A new era of Doctor Who begins tomorrow (1st November 2023).
Exploring a trifecta of Classic Doctor Who locations!
And might Jo Grant be back for further adventures too?
Let’s take the TARDIS back to 1972, when a young Frank watches Day of the Daleks and more for the first time…
These photos haven’t been seen in nearly half a century!
Uh, they’re not exactly glowing. Thirteenth Doctor fans, cover your eyes…
The collection features short stories about Amy Pond, Sarah Jane Smith, Davros, and more!
Plus, a 15-pafe preview of Legend of the Sea Devils, and a Big Finish download code!