Reviewing 2021’s Torchwood Monthly Range from Big Finish.
Was this a perfect start to 2022, the final year of stories for Chris Chibnall and the Thirteenth Doctor?
What did Peter Shaw — and more importantly, his 10 year old son — think of this Doctor Who adventure?
What did we think of the first complete story from the Hartnell era to be animated?
Did the Flux finale live up to expectations?
Did Peter Shaw make it through Survivors of the Flux?
When Joe Siegler watched Village of the Angels, he dared not blink…
Once, Upon Time sounds like a fairytale, but did it put Simon Danes to sleep?
The Doctor finds herself in the Crimean War… and facing off against the Sontarans!
The Long Game forms around interviews with some 30 key people involved in trying to resurrect Doctor Who.