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Christopher Eccleston Returns for Series 3 of Big Finish’s Ninth Doctor Adventures

Christopher Eccleston will return as the Ninth Doctor in a new series of audio adventures from Big Finish — which begins in May 2023!

In May 2021, Eccleston came back to the role he first played in 2005’s Doctor Who Series 1, with The Ninth Doctor Adventures; he’ll star in a third series of 12 episodes, told across four boxsets.

Christopher Eccleston said:

“This series is brilliantly varied in tone and content. It feels just as fresh as when we started on the first audio series. We’re a well-oiled machine now.”

The three adventures in Pioneers are: 

  • The Green Gift by Roy Gill 
  • Northern Lights by Robert Valentine 
  • The Beautiful Game by Katharine Armitage

Producer David Richardson said:

“Picture this: we’re on a short break in recording The Ninth Doctor Adventures. Chris pops over to the control desk and asks our engineer to put some Barry White songs on the speakers. Out blares the music, and Chris starts dancing around the room. Our director, Helen Goldwyn, then joins in, dancing away at the director’s station, while gradually everyone else gets with the rhythm and starts to sway. For a good five minutes, the Ninth Doctor studio is lost in music. 

“I share this because it sums up for me what it’s like working on these productions – everyone is so relaxed, and there’s just an infectious sense of fun and energy. If we want to dance then we’re going to dance! I think it’s significant because all of that energy and joy ends up right there in the episodes. We’re just having the time of our lives.” 

The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Pioneers is now available to pre-order as a four-disc CD box set (and download) for £29.99 or as a digital download only for £22.99. You can save money by pre-ordering all four volumes of the third series together in a bundle for £108 (collector’s edition CD box set and download) or £88 (download only).

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, The Silver Archive: The Stone Tape, and 100 Objects of Doctor Who.

Christopher Eccleston Returns for Series 3 of Big Finish’s Ninth Doctor Adventures

by Philip Bates time to read: 1 min
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