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BBC Radio 4 Extra to Broadcast Big Finish’s Tenth Doctor Adventures Starting This Weekend [UPDATED]

If David Tennant and Catherine Tate’s return for the 60th anniversary isn’t exciting enough, Big Finish’s Tenth Doctor Adventures is currently scheduled to be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 Extra.

The run of stories starts with the Volume 1 audio Technophobia, by Matt Fitton, this coming Saturday (20th August 2022) at 6pm; and continues with Time Reaver, by Jenny T Colgan, on the 27th.

While it’s highly likely that Death and the Queen, written by James Goss, will air on 3rd September, a total of six audios have already been confirmed. Would the latter three consist of Volume 2, featuring Billie Piper, or Volume 3, with Jacqueline King and the late Bernard Cribbins? I’m sure we’ll find out in the following weeks.

Kudos to artist and Whovian Matthew Purchase for giving notice on Twitter.

Either way, this is a real opportunity to give casual listeners and fans a taster of some New Series audio dramas by Big Finish. Depending on how successful it turns out, I do hope they’ll also broadcast The Tenth Doctor and River Song, the Out of Time trilogy, or the Dalek Universe series at some point. Maybe next year, as part of the 60th anniversary celebrations?

In the meantime, you can listen on the BBC Sounds website or download the app.

UPDATE 1: Death and the Queen has been confirmed to air on 3rd September.

UPDATE 2: The latter three audios will consist of Volume 2, starting with Infamy of the Zaross on 10th September; followed by The Sword of the Chevalier on the 17th, and Cold Vengeance on the 24th.

UPDATE 3: Tardis Central has confirmed a schedule change on Twitter.

Andrew Hsieh

Aspiring screenwriter with Asperger's syndrome, and lifelong Whovian since (shortly after) Christopher Eccleston's reign, Andrew has written and co-edited short story anthologies for Divergent Wordsmiths. Plus, he lives near Bannerman Road.

BBC Radio 4 Extra to Broadcast Big Finish’s Tenth Doctor Adventures Starting This Weekend [UPDATED]

by Andrew Hsieh time to read: 1 min
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