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River Song Joins UNIT and Meets the Brigadier and Liz Shaw in Big Finish’s New Recruit

This Autumn, Professor River Song will be joining UNIT!

The Diary of River Song: New Recruit, from Big Finish, finds the Doctor’s time-travelling archaeologist wife back in the 1970s – or is it the 1980s? – as she teams up with fan-favourites Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart (Jon Culshaw) and Dr Liz Shaw (Daisy Ashford).

The set includes everything from spooky folklore in an English village to ambitious scientists overreaching themselves, and a good old-fashioned alien invasion.

Here are the four stories in New Recruits:

  • The Blood Woods by Lizbeth Myles 
  • Terror of the Suburbs by James Kettle 
  • Never Alone by Helen Goldwyn 
  • Rivers of Light by Lisa McMullin 

Actor Alex Kingston said:

“River Song is the longest role I’ve played – over 13 years! –  but I’m not tired of her at all. I’ve become very fond of this lovely character. And my gosh, not only does this role keep on going, but look at all the husbands that she’s had along the way! There just seem to be endless opportunities to go on these fabulous adventures. It’s fantastic and I love it. Long may it last!” 

Script editor Matt Fitton added:

“River Song has joined UNIT! And with the Doctor out of the picture, it’s up to her and Liz Shaw to be the Brigadier’s scientific advisers on the odd and unexplained. I love the idea of Dr Song and Dr Shaw having a whole ‘season’ of adventures of their own, following on from Inferno – two brilliant scientists saving the world in style. The dynamic between River and Liz is fantastic, but it may well be that River has an agenda in coming to this time and place… And when the Doctor does return, there’ll be fireworks!” 

The Diary of River Song: New Recruit, due out in October 2021, is now available to pre-order from the Big Finish website at £24.99 as a collector’s edition four-disc CD box set or £19.99 as a download. 

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, The Silver Archive: The Stone Tape, and 100 Objects of Doctor Who.

River Song Joins UNIT and Meets the Brigadier and Liz Shaw in Big Finish’s New Recruit

by Philip Bates time to read: 1 min
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