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What Does Colin Baker Think Should Happen for Doctor Who’s 60th Anniversary?

Colin Baker has revealed that he’s spoken to fellow Classic Doctors, Peter Davison, Sylvester McCoy, and Paul McGann about reuniting for a follow-up to the 50th anniversary spoof, The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot.

Doctor Who‘s 60th Anniversary is quickly approaching. It really has been seven years since The Day of the Doctor and 2023 is not too far away. Many fans will be coming up with all sorts of ideas about what they’d like to see – and they aren’t alone. Even past Doctors have given it some thought.

At a recent convention in Scotland, Colin Baker talked about fitting ways to celebrate the milestone. When ask if we could see a sequel to The Five(ish) Doctors, he was very enthusiastic. He said:

“That was lovely doing that. I’ve spoken to Peter, Paul and Sylvester about it, and they’re all up for it.”

The man behind the Sixth Doctor was also very complimentary about the latest lady inside the TARDIS. “I think she’s magnificent,” he said about Jodie Whittaker. Baker was happy to see someone focus on “the joy of being the Doctor.”

He also had some nice words to say about the late Jon Pertwee (the Third Doctor) who he had been to many conventions with. “He was a showman, he had charisma” – something that is obvious to anyone who has seen his Doctor dashing around in a cape.

One reason Baker may be thinking about the next anniversary is what he had to say about Tom Baker’s cameo as the Curator in the 50th anniversary special. Colin doesn’t seem to have changed his mind about Tom’s inclusion:

“It was a good story, then all of a sudden they put Tom in.”

Colin described how he thought that Curator scene brought viewers out of the episode: “We could all go, ‘Ahhhh, Tom.’ You stop believing in the story…”

Would you like to see a sequel to The Five-ish Doctors (Reboot)? What else would you like to see for the 60th?

Liam Brice-Bateman

What Does Colin Baker Think Should Happen for Doctor Who’s 60th Anniversary?

by Liam Brice-Bateman time to read: 1 min
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