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The War Master Meets Mark Gatiss' Unbound Master this December

Two Masters meet last this year – as Sir Derek Jacobi’s War Master battles it out against Mark Gatiss’ Unbound incarnation of the renegade Time Lord. Because sometimes, it takes a Master to defeat a Master…

Attention people of the universe! In the final chapter of Big Finish’s War Master saga, the Master (played by Derek Jacobi), unleashes his most audacious plot yet – as leader of the Daleks.

And it’ll take a Master from another universe (Mark Gatiss) to stop him…

The War Master: Anti-Genesis also features listeners’ favourite Narvin, played by Seán Carlsen, joining the fight plus Nicholas Briggs as the voice of the Daleks in four stories:

1. From the Flames by Nicholas Briggs 

2. The Master’s Dalek Plan by Alan Barnes 

3. Shockwave by Alan Barnes 

4. He Who Wins by Nicholas Briggs 

In the Time War there is a crime that not even the Daleks would dare consider. But the Master has more than considered – he is ready to commit… 

Co-script editor of this box set, Nicholas Briggs, explained:

“When producer/director Scott Handcock and I came up with the idea of there being an ‘alternative universe’ Master in the fourth War Master box set, we were very excited. We had it in mind that if Mark Gatiss really wasn’t available that we could, in theory and desperation, invent another ‘alternative universe’ Master — but we were really hoping for Mark. And the fact that Mark could make the recording dates makes me very happy indeed. The whole relationship between Derek Jacobi’s War Master and Mark’s Master is an intriguing one that gives many opportunities for stand-out performances from these great actors.”

The set also stars Pippa Bennett-Warner (Livia), Gavin Swift (Crazlus), Franchi Webb (Lamarius), Vikash Bhai (Arfor), Daniel Brocklebank (Yaren), Richard Clifford (Novar), Will Kirk (Uglen), Zaraah Abrahams (Kaled Corporal), Ben Crystal (Soogasor), Jordan Renzo (Insloy), and Christopher Harper (Kaled Guard).

The War Master: Anti-Genesis is available for pre-order now at £22.99 on CD or £19.99 on download.  

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, The Silver Archive: The Stone Tape, and 100 Objects of Doctor Who.

The War Master Meets Mark Gatiss' Unbound Master this December

by Philip Bates time to read: 1 min
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