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Anneke Wills on Series 11: "It's Not My Doctor Who Anymore"

Anneke Wills, who played Polly Wright, has sadly revealed that she stopped watching Doctor Who Series 11 because she doesn’t feel like it’s the same show she loved.

However, she is a fan of Jodie Whittaker. So it sounds like it’s the show’s format under showrunner, Chris Chibnall that’s the issue. Wills says:

“I think Jodie is lovely… [but] I watched most of the first one and then I let go, because it’s not my Doctor Who. It’s new Doctor Who for the new world and I’m not part of it, really, anymore – except if they ask me to be in it!”

It’s brave of Anneke to step above the parapet, especially as fandom seems so divided now, and some have turned on individuals who didn’t warm to the new series (including Peter Davison, the Fifth Doctor, who expressed concern about having the first female Doctor).

It is a massive shame… and, unfortunately, reflects how numerous fans feel (myself included); nonetheless, Series 11 has pleased a lot of people too, lest we forget. As Doctor Who changes, it’s bound to pick up and lose viewers – it’s just part of the process. Don’t like one particular era? Another will be along soon.

Meanwhile, you can enjoy Polly in animated form next week as The Macra Terror is released on DVD and Blu-ray!

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, The Silver Archive: The Stone Tape, and 100 Objects of Doctor Who.

Anneke Wills on Series 11: "It's Not My Doctor Who Anymore"

by Philip Bates time to read: 1 min
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